The Institute for Patient Care is an internationally recognized center of excellence consisting of a collaborative of centers and programs driving innovations in patient care, staff education, research and knowledge development and dissemination.
The Global Nursing Education Program was developed in 1995. This program provides an opportunity for nurses throughout the world to visit MGH and consult with our expert nursing leaders and clinicians. The primary goals of the program are to improve global health care and to promote professional dialogue across cultures. An individualized learning curriculum is designed for each visitor to meet his or her learning objectives. Options for learning include clinical observation, leadership consultation and didactic lectures. MGH nursing consultants are also available for global healthcare in-country consultation projects.
Massachusetts General Hospital has a long tradition of serving people throughout the world. Founding physicians, Dr. James Jackson and Dr. John Collins Warren, wrote a circular letter on August 20, 1810 urging the establishment of a general hospital in Boston in which they asserted that, "When in distress, every man becomes our neighbor". The Massachusetts Legislature, led by former U.S. President John Adams, agreed. They granted a charter for the MGH stating that the hospital should serve citizens of other countries and provide comfort to "the whole family of man".
In the circular letter, which proclaimed the mission of MGH, Doctors Warren and Jackson stated that the first requisite in sickness was a kind and skillful nurse. Influential nurses of the time included Miss Rebecca Taylor who was head nurse at MGH for 34 years. Upon her retirement in 1860, Dr. Jackson gave the tribute to Miss Taylor and praised her devotion to the sick. He noted, "I wish to point out how high are the duties of a nurse; and how justly they entitle one, who performs them skillfully and faithfully and kindly, to the love and respect of mankind". Another notable MGH nurse was Miss Linda Richards, former superintendent of the Boston Training School for Nurses at MGH. Miss Richards was the first U.S. nurse to engage in international nursing, through her work in Japan in 1885.
The Global Nursing Education Program is temporarily on hold until. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please check back for updates. For further information please contact the Insitiute for Patient Care
The Institute for Patient Care
55 Fruit Street - Austen, 3rd Floor - Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-3111 - Fax: 617-724-3754
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm