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News and Events MUNN NURSING RESEARCH GRAND ROUNDS MGH Nursing Research Day! Nursing Research Day was a great success this year! Clink on the the link below to read an overview of the day on the MGH Research Institute blog.
Fostering a Research-Intensive Organization Authors: Jeanette Ives Erickson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, is Senior Vice President for Patient Care and Chief Nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital; Marianne Ditomassi, DNP, RN, MBA, is Executive Director of Patient Care and Magnet Recognition at Massachusetts General Hospital; Dorothy A. Jones, EdD, RN, FAAN, FNI, is a Senior Nurse Scientist and Director Emeritus of the Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research.
Fostering a Research-Intensive Organization addresses how a strong nursing research agenda can impact patient care and influence the redesign of services needed to effectively respond to a changing healthcare environment. This book provides a comprehensive review to support the practice environment as an important place to advance nursing science through research by:
To order the book, please visit: http://www.nursingknowledge.org/fostering-a-research-intensive-organization.html
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