Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research

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Be Well Work Well Nursing Research Award

The Yvonne L. Munn Nursing Center for Nursing Research at MGH is supporting a new research award through Occupational Health Services and the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) Center for Work Health and Well-being, the Be Well Work Well Research Award.  To be initiated by MGH nurses, the purpose of these studies is to  advance the science related to healthcare workforce and improving outcomes for patient care workers.  Studies must support National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Total Worker Health Goals.  See Table One below.

The HSPH Center for Work, Health and Wellbeing is one of four Centers of Excellence funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as part of it’s Total Worker Health Initiative (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/TWH).  The Total Worker Health Initiative aims to support “safe and healthier workers in workplaces that protect, sustain and promote health and wellbeing,” and “envisions workplaces that are free of recognized hazards, with health-promoting and sustaining policies, programs, and practices; and employees with ready access to effective programs and services that protect their health, safety and wellbeing.” See below for more infomration on Total Worker Health. The current award of $8000 funded one (1) Nurse Researcher/ and the team over a 1-year period from 2020 – 2021.

Eligibility Requirements
The awards are given to promote research initiatives among staff nurses with a focus on the healthcare workforce.  Applicants seeking a Be Well Work Well Nursing Research Award must work full-time as a nurse at MGH.  All research teams must include a nurse researcher with terminal research intensive degree (PhD, EdD)  who has agreed to provide support and guidance for the study. 

It is not necessary to have Partners Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to proposal submission; however, proposals must meet IRB criteria for proposals and all funded proposals must be approved by the IRB before the study is conducted.  Additionally, all nurses participating in research studies must complete the IRB’s online educational program, Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at: https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/ before beginning the study.

Submission Requirements
To APPLY for the grant, click on the following link:  https://www.cvent.com/d/q7qsdg

*Please note, the documents below will need to be uploaded as part of the online application. Please complete these documents PRIOR TO initiating the online application. Incomplete applications CANNOT be saved and re-accessed.

Supporting documents to upload in the electronic application include:

  • Grant proposal
  • Additional supporting documents to upload in the electronic application include:
    • NIH Biosketch: For instructions, templates, and examples, please visit: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm
    • Project timeline: A precise timeline illustrating project tasks and objectives to be completed within 1-year is required.
    • Approval from your Director/Supervisor stating he/she is aware of this work and supports you conducting this study.
    • Budget Template and Justification: Budgets must be developed and finalized with the Munn Center Grant Manager: for review of allowable costs and assistance with budget development, please reach out to Munn Center Grant Manager to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Key Dates, Award Notification and Funding

  • Complete application submitted September 28, 2020
  • Application review – NIOSH Advisory Board – October 2020.
  • Final Recommendation for funding – October 2020.
  • Letters to applicants in October 2020.
  • Funding begins October 2020.
  • NOTE: Funds may be requested for up until August 31, 2021 with a one year no cost extension. 
  • The process for progress reports, due every 3 month will be reviewed upon receipt of the award. 

If you have questions, please contact Jane Flanagan, PhD, ANP-BC, AHN-BC, FAAN Jflanagan@mgh.harvard.edu or the Munn Center for Nursing Research – Stacianne Goodridge at 617-643-0431 or MunnCenter@PARTNERS.ORG for immediate assistance.

What Is Total Worker Health™?
Total Worker Health™ is a strategy integrating occupational safety and health protection with health promotion to prevent worker injury and illness and to advance health and well-being.

updated 9/10/20

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