Innovation Toolkit

Why this matters and how it works.

Design Thinking

Through a collaborative and inclusive approach, we aim to generate new idesa and solutions that addess systemic healthcare challenges.

Design Thinking Playbook →

Design Thinking and Technology Playbook →

Pitch your idea

Learn tips on how to pitch effectively.

NurseHack4Health: Crafting the Perfect Pitch →


NurseHack4Health Innovation Academy is a three-part course that provides nurses and other healthcare professionals with the knowledge to prepare them to break down the challenges within healthcare affecting the workforce and the workplace. Provides 2 CEUs

NurseHack4Health Innovation Academy →

More Resources

SONSIEL is the fist and only Nursing organization committeed to educating and empowering Nurses to discover, invent, and pioneer products, processes, services, and platforms.

Visit the SONSIEL website →

More Resources
More information here

Nurses you should know
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Amplify Nursing Podcast
by Marion Leary


Nurse Burnout
by -